


Complete Personnel Group is committed to environmental responsibility in our operations, and seeks to minimise adverse environmental impact.

We are committed to:

  • Implementing effective environmental management practices to protect the environment and preventing pollution from activities under its control
  • Complying with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements which relate to its environmental aspects
  • Achieving continual improvement in its environmental performance and contributing to environmentally sustainable development
  • Continuing to identify and investigate viable options for energy reduction, and implementing these options wherever feasible
  • Applying the principles of waste minimisation and recycling throughout the organisation
  • Communicating environmental awareness among our employees, on-hire employees and contractors, and working together to achieve agreed environmental outcomes

In relation to on-hire staffing, Complete Personnel Group is committed to:

  • Informing on-hire employees of environmental awareness during our induction process. Where the host employer has an environmental policy, we will inform on-hire employees of it during our induction
  • Complying with the host employer’s environmental management policies and all relevant environmental acts, licences or other agreements
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