Are you a parent of a child aged between 6 months and under 6 years of age?Complete Personnel is contracted by the Australian Government to deliver the ParentsNext programme in Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Lincoln regions of South Australia.ParentsNext aims to help you develop:
Confidence to apply for and sustain long term employment;
Confidence to complete education and employment courses;
Improved financial awareness and budgeting;
Supportive and meaningful relationships with family and friends;
Improved quality of life through accessing clinical mental health and counselling services;
Confidence to independently access services, activities and community opportunities; and
Improved strategies to find work life balance.
ParentsNext participants get help to:
Identify your education and employment goals;
Develop a pathway to achieve your goals;
Combine preparing for work with your parenting responsibilities; and
Access activities and services in your local community.
As a participant, you may be able to access a range of other funding supports including a participation fund, wage subsidies and relocation assistance.Please explore the ParentsNext service further by clicking on the +’s below.