Remote Schools Attendance Strategy


The Remote Schools Attendance Strategy (RSAS) is about school attendance officers working with schools, families and community organisations to ensure all children go to school every day.Getting children to school is a number one priority for Indigenous children and their families.Many children in remote communities are not going to school every day, with attendance in some communities very low. It is just as important for children living in remote Australia to go to school every day as it is for those in the city.That’s because going to school and being at school every day gives every child the best chance for the best start in life.The RSAS started in 2014 in partnership with communities and schools. It is designed to be driven by the community to suit local needs. Complete Personnel delivers the RSAS to school children in the Coober Pedy, Yatala and Oak Valley communities.Our school attendance supervisors and officers may have different names in different places, but together they make up the school attendance teams in each community. These teams will work with schools to help parents and families make sure kids have what they need to go to school each day.Team members are local people from the community. They may be mums, dads, caregivers, aunties, uncles or grandparents who want to help kids in the community get to school.School attendance teams work closely with teachers, parents and the community to develop a community plan to identify ways to ensure all children in the community go to school every day.They can help with things like:
  • Talking to children and families about the importance of regular school attendance;
  • Working with families where children are not attending school to find out why and what can be done to help them get there;
  • Providing practical support like driving children to school or helping to organise school lunches, uniforms, homework and after-school care;
  • Working with the school to monitor attendance and follow up on student absences; and
  • Celebrating and rewarding improved attendance.
For more information about the Remote School Attendance Strategy, send us an email or telephone Yalata 08 8625 6041 Coober Pedy 08 8672 559
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